The Janelle Monae look influenced me HEAVY...a lot of B&W dominant style aesthetics do, but I mostly see that in white people...when JM did it, it was like permission.

I am still reading Zami (and haven't picked it up in awhile) but would love ot chat about it sometime. I have some things I want to work out in my own story-telling through the biomythology genre.

Everything about this post reminds me of this Lorde quote from A Burst of Light, "The tensions created inside me by the contradictions is another source of energy and learning. I have always known I learn my most lasting lessons about difference by closely attending the ways in which the differences inside me lie down together.” --a move beyond the tightrope to a place of being at ease with oneself. I want that for you!

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Whatttttttt?! Why haven’t I written that one down anywhere? I love that quote very very much.

I am also not done with Zami but I love the idea of biomythograpgy. We should absolutely chat abt this 💕

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“I write to make myself real.” So many juicy nuggets here. ♥️

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I love the imagery you evoke. Also curious if you’ve read the 33 and 1/3 on that album and the one on The Velvet Rope?

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Thank you so very much !! Yes I have read it. I’m probably going to end up writing about monae a lot. I love them so fully. lol y personality is equal parts Janelle monae and Missy Elliot lololol

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So you’re saying you’re innovative and interesting, cool, cool.

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Bethany, I love this. Such strong reflections on how we, black creatives, can attune with ourselves. Thank you for writing this x

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Brava! World building, self-discovery, and sanctuary mapping are all synonymous for those who know this life. I look forward to reading the world you build when you are ready to share them.

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Thank you so much, Camille. FR it means the world.

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