I applaud your courage.

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I really support your journey to find the multiple truths of your relationship with your father. It's hard work but very freeing. Beautiful piece. Keep going.

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This is so beautiful and so generous. Your ability to recognize his love and still allow your self dignity to guide you is inspiring.

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Thank you so much for sharing this. You’ll never know how timely this is.

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You put into words, so eloquently, what so many of us who suffer with daddy issues experience + feel. Thank you for writing this. It resonated so much

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I was afraid to read this for a while and I'm glad I was able to today.

"Wherever my dad is on his journey, I hope he’s finding peace. Now, the choice to move forward and find closure lies with me."

Thank you for sharing your story. This wasn't easy to read and I can imagine how you felt when writing it.

Separating from my father was a necessary decision that I don't regret. I got closure as best as I could and moved on.

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